Salam Semua...
Firstly, terima kasih kepada semua yang sudi singgah, baca (kepada yang buat marathon tu, saya tabik spring kat anda!) dan kemudian share tentang nukilan sulung saya ini dengan kawan-kawan...
Secondly, terima kasih atas segala komen2 yang diberikan.. Really really really appreciate it! (kalau ada komen lagi - sila lah berikan..jangan segan2.. insyaAllah saya boleh terima..walaupun sepahit mana.. yang penting tujuan kita sama - untuk memperbaiki CK)
Lastly, kepada yang masih tidak tahu, Chapter 25 adalah yang terakhir di blog. InsyaAllah saya sedang berusaha untuk menulis the other half of the story. Siap nanti ia akan dinilai dan jika ada rezeki, akan dibukukan. So tolong doakan kami ya?
Kepada semua yang dah 'khatam', jangan lupa come and say Hi kat Family CK di FB, ok? Kita borak2 kat sana :-D

tahniah sis and gud luck.... ^_^
ReplyDeleteGood Luck Dear.
ReplyDeleteSalam Ida! Yeay u finished it! I hope it was worth your time.. Thank you for your comments in chapter 17. I was actually waiting for more :-)
ReplyDeleteGood luck in finishing yr 2014 plan n may 2014 be a great year for us!
Assalamualaikum Suzana....
ReplyDeleteWhere do I start??!!!! Kebetulan hari ni hari yg teramat slow kat office, I read ALL 25 entries in one sitting... and the only way to describe it is S.M.O.O.T.H. as silk. The words just jump out of the screen and feels like a balm over my heart!
Best sangat, sangat! Amy doakan the rest of the book goes on smoothly, and cant wait to see this baby in print soon!
There are a few minor edits, which I am sure the publishing house (IKP) will pick up, But SERIOUSLY. This is GOOD.
The narrator's voice is exquisite, and timed like a metronome! (Neither too slow nor too fast)
I cant help but speculate the very "pregnant" question forming in the minds of those who have read this - what is the challenge this loving couple will have to overcome? (pun fully intended!)
This story is sooooo relateable, it's uncanny, almost freakish. It's so easy to put yourself in Qis' shoes.
I hope you can write cepat2 so I (or we, the readers) can peluk Khalish ketat-ketat!
Good luck, all the best, and keep those snippets going on FB, woman!
Amy, x
PS - Kalau ada lah orang yg lembutnya, sweetnya, manisnya (aik 2 kali dh) macam si Khalish ni... dah lama saya cekau!
Bestttt.. sentiasa mendoakan... hr ni baru sempat baca sampai habis.... tq